How to Survive Early Spring in New England

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Spring is creeping closer and closer with each day and it has absolutely been worth the wait. Except…hold on…the extended forecast doesn’t show a single day over 45 degrees and we’re supposed to get another major Nor’Easter over the next couple of days. Welcome to New England. It truly spares no prisoners in March, and let’s be honest with ourselves, sometimes April.

This is the time of year that we tend to get spiteful and mutter repeatedly “Why in the world do I live here?” Trust me. I get it. I want to burn the parka and snow boots I was so excited to wear in December and my jealousy of anyone going on a tropical vacation right now is entering into an unhealthy territory.

As frustrating and downright depressing as this time of year can be, I really make a conscious effort to stay positive. I remind myself that a perfect 65-degree spring day is truly only weeks away and to keep my eyes on the prize.

Below are some ideas of how you can survive early spring in New England without seriously contemplating that move to Florida.

1. Limit Exposure to Your Friends and Family that Live in Warm Places

We all have those people in our lives that live in Hawaii, South Carolina, California etc. They seem to take complete pleasure in our pain during our long winters. They send and post extra photos of themselves lounging poolside or walking their dog on the beach in shorts.  I am all for being happy for others, but seriously come on!? I don’t gloat when it’s the perfect Maine beach day in August. There’s no need for you to rub it in now! Unfollow.

2. Add Some Tropical or Summer Type Foods to Your Diet

I am all for eating local and truly do believe that it’s best for your health and the planet. Since I don’t live next to a giant greenhouse, this isn’t often achievable year round. Adding some frozen mango or pineapple to my morning smoothie is a perfect dose of tropical flair. I also find it to be a nice little endorphin boost to eat foods that are typically associated with summer. Brush the snow off the grill and make some shrimp kabobs with tropical salsa or whip up a potato salad and deviled eggs.

3. Get Outside…Even for a Few Minutes

It’s so tempting this time of year to hunker down with your favorite Netflix show and not spend time outdoors until the temperature dial passes 60 degrees again. Tolerating the cold while caroling in December or skiing in January is one thing, but trudging through frozen mud in March is another. A brisk walk around the neighborhood or on your favorite woodsy trail goes a long way for your spirits. Getting some fresh air and feeling the, albeit weak, rays of the sun is an amazing mood booster. No, it’s not quite as warm as you want it to be, but you bought those L.L.Bean boots for a reason so put them on and get out there.

4. Look Through Photos from Last Summer and Fall

When we’re in the doldrums of the gray and cold early spring, it’s so easy to forget how much we truly do love New England. Almost all of us have smart phones these days with hundreds of photos on them. Take some time to scroll back through last fall and summer. The beautiful foliage, mountains, and beach landscapes will remind you just how breathtakingly beautiful the region of the world we call home truly is. A couple months of less than ideal weather is truly a small price to pay.


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