Erika McKay | Financial Advisor


Contact Information

280 Congress Street, Suite 1300
Boston, MA 02210

After years of managing governmental audits at a CPA firm, Erika found her calling as a Financial Planner. Witnessing the widespread struggle people face in understanding finances, Erika shifted her focus to proactively teach others to assess and manage risks for a secure financial future. Her passion for financial education stems from personal experiences, having grown up in an environment with minimal financial literacy, motivating her to normalize healthy money relationships from an early age.

Erika's decision to partner with Commonwealth Financial Group was driven by the desire to connect with like-minded individuals within a network that values education and collaboration. As an entrepreneur, she acknowledges the importance of continuous learning and appreciates the supportive environment created by CFG, enhancing her ability to provide excellent service to clients.

Beyond her professional pursuits, she enjoys traveling, admiring nature, and all things art. Born and raised in Maine, Erika now calls Boston home. Here you’ll find her passionately cooking or chasing after her houseful of pets and teenagers. In either case, she couldn’t feel more fortunate for all the opportunities life has thrown her way.



Questions? Let’s Chat.

Feel free to reach out with any questions about our services or if you just want to send a personal note.


Colin Pomer | Financial Planner


Ali Gohlke-Schermer | Financial Planner